Chief Mindy Myers Speaks to Club
Posted by Tom Burson on Jul 27, 2016
Mechanicsburg Police Chief Mindy Myers spoke to the club on July 27 and gave them an update on policing in the Borough of Mechanicsburg.
Club President, Mark Dixon (left) presents the Rotary Golden Ruler with the 4-Way Test to Mechanicsburg Police Chief Mindy Myers.
At the meeting of July 27th, Mechanicsburg Police Chief Mindy Myers gave the club and update on policing in the Borough of Mechanicsburg. Chief Myers was appointed Police Chief in June after serving as interim since November. She brings over 35 years of experience with 32 of those in the Mechanicsburg Police Department.
Chief Myers talked to the club about some of the biggest issues facing the borough with the biggest being heroin. It is plentiful, cheap, and deadly and there have been a number of deaths. The police carry Narcan (Naloxone) in their cars which has helped in death prevention, but it also appears to make some drug users less fearful of an overdose. She discussed the staffing of 15 which is adequate, but there is a problem of turnovers and there are not a lot of applicants. She does not feel that the current environment national environment is a significant factor here. Chief Myers noted that the borough has an active Crime Watch program with monthly meeting held on the 2nd Monday at 7:00 PM at the Senior Citizens Center on Portland Street. A link to their web page is here. That is a good place to learn more details about the specific crimes that are happening. Mayor Jack Ritter and Borough resident Jack Baker head the program.
The club thanks Chief Myers for her dedication to serving the community and thanks her for the timely update.