On July 6th Club Foundation Chair, John Petrie, presented four additional Paul Harris Fellowship awards to club members.
President Amy Bockis receives a Paul Harris Fellow (PHF) pin and certificate from John Petrie, Club Foundation Chair.
Phil Fogarty receives a Paul Harris Fellow (PHF) pin with two sapphires from John Petrie, Club Foundation Chair. The two sapphire represents Phil's third PHF.
Darrell Westby receives a Paul Harris Fellow (PHF) pin with three sapphires from John Petrie, Club Foundation Chair. The three sapphire represents Darrell's fourth PHF.
Dave Burns receives a Paul Harris Fellow (PHF) pin with one ruby from John Petrie, Club Foundation Chair. The one ruby represent Dave's 7th PHF.
We thank all these Rotarians for their outstanding support of the Rotary Foundation.