Club Provides Support for Athletics at Cumberland Point Apartment Complex
Posted by Tom Burson
on May 07, 2014
The Rotary Club recently applied for and received a District 7390 matching grant to improve the athletic facilities and equipment in the housing area of Cumberland Pointe. The club partnered with A.R.O.M.A Missions of Messiah College in identifying the need and accomplishing this project.
Pictured above community members of the Cumberland Point apartment complex in Mechanicsburg along with three Mechanicsburg Rotary Club members - Darrell Westby, John Petrie, and Chuck Eberly. They are in front of a basketball rim just after it was installed by the club members. The Rotary Club recently applied for and received a District 7390 matching grant to improve the athletic facilities and equipment in the housing area. Over 60% (and rising) of its resident are refugees from Somali, while the other 40% are mostly low-income families who have moved from Harrisburg. The club partnered with A.R.O.M.A Missions of Messiah College who made known the need and help develop the grant proposal. The grant also provided for two portable soccer goals, three (total) replacement basketball rims, soccer uniforms, and soccer league referee fees for 8 games.
Pictured above are the soccer team members in their new Rotary Club provided shirts along with two Mechanicsburg Rotary Club members - Bob Brown and Patrick Wolfkill.