7390 District Governor Paddy Rooney visited the club on August 14, 2019 to share his vision of Rotary and also presented Paul Harris Fellow Awards to President Mike McConahy and Past President Mark Dixon.

DG Rooney gave a very inspiring talk entitled "Why Rotary" in which he talked about why he is a Rotarian and why he is proud to wear the Rotary pin along with his "collar." He went on to ask the members to think about that topic and give their own answers as he went through the many reasons. He noted that he always wears his Rotary pin and people often ask what it is. This gives him the opportunity to tell the story of Rotary and why it is so important to his life and to the world. He said that he believes that Rotary does things for betterment of our world and its people which no other organization is able to do. We accomplish so much by working together through the breadth and depth of Rotary. We are greatly aided by our very highly rated Foundation and provide hope to so many people in the world. When we work as Rotarians, we work as like minded persons where it does not matter who you are, your status in society or where you come from. We call each other by our first names and he is just "Paddy"...no title or other homage. He then went on to discuss the RI President Mark Daniel Maloney's theme for the year, "Rotary Connects the World," and other related topics on Rotary International and District projects, activities, plans, and organization changes.
Before his talk, he presented
Paul Harris Fellow Awards to Club President Mike McConahy (shown on left) and the Past President Mark Dixon (his second PHF). The Paul Harris Fellow recognition acknowledges individuals who contribute, or who have contributions made in their name, of US$1,000 to The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International. It was established in 1957 to show appreciation for and encourage substantial contributions to what was then the Foundation’s only program, Rotary Foundation Fellowships for Advanced Study, the precursor to Ambassadorial Scholarships. Rotarians have a tradition of supporting the Foundation by honoring others. Ida LeTulle Taylor became a Paul Harris Fellow in 1978 when her husband, then-District Governor Vann Taylor, made a donation in her name in honor of their 34th wedding anniversary. The gift also made her the 25,000th Paul Harris Fellow.