A Taste of Mechanicsburg Very Successful

A Taste of Mechanicsburg Very Successful![]() On October 8th the Rotary Club of Mechanicsburg held its third A Taste of Mechanicsburg event. It was a great success with almost 200 people in attendance, 14 vendors, and about $8,000 raised. The Simpson Library and staff gave well appreciated support by providing the venue, helping with publicity, ticket sales, and support at the event.
Seith Arbogast Receives Paul Harris Fellow Awards![]() On September 20th Club Foundation Chair, John Petrie, presented a Paul Harris Fellowship awards to Seth Arbogast.
Presentation from Youth Exchange Student![]() The Yellow Breeches Rotary Club received a very interesting presentation from Rotary Youth Exchange Student, Jessica 'Jess' Miller, at the club meeting on September 6, 2023. |
Club Presents Two Paul Harris Fellow Awards![]() On September 6th Club Foundation Chair, John Petrie, presented two Paul Harris Fellowship awards to club members.
Pres. Jolene Honored at Club Event![]() Outgoing President Jolene was honored at the end-of-year Club event held on June 28th at Hellenic Kouzina. |
Coach Calvano Presents Plaque to Club![]() Coach Anthony Calvano presents plaque to President Jolene at the June 7th meeting in recognition of the clubs sponsorship for his team. |
Club Presents Paul Harris Fellow Award![]() On June 7th Club Foundation Chair, John Petrie, presented a Paul Harris Fellowship award to club members, Whitey Brownawell.
Rotary Students of the Month for March![]() The Yellow Breeches Rotary Club students for the month of February were introduced on March 2nd and were interviewed by Pres. Jolene George. |
Rotary Students of the Month for February![]() The Yellow Breeches Rotary Club students for the month of February were introduced on February 1st and were interviewed by Pres. Jolene George. |
Plaque Installation at The Cracked Pot Coffee Shop![]() On November 18th, the Rotary Club of the Yellow Breeches dedicated the plaque for the recently installed heat pump unit at The Cracked Pot Coffee Shop. Present were several club officers and staff of the establishment. |
Charles Kern Inducted on November 16th |
Rotary Students of the Month for November![]() The Yellow Breeches Rotary Club students for the month of November were introduced on November 2nd and were interviewed by Pres. Jolene George and Secretary Amy Bockis. |
Rotary Students of the Month for October![]() The Yellow Breeches Rotary Club students for the month of October were introduced on October 5th and 19th and were interviewed by Pres. Jolene George. |
Club Presents Two Paul Harris Fellow Awards![]() On October 19th Club Foundation Chair, John Petrie, accompanied by District 7390 Governor, Juliet Attenburg, presented two Paul Harris Fellowship awards to club members.
Dedication of Heat Pump at The Cracked Pot Coffee Shop![]() On September 28th, the Rotary Club of the Yellow Breeches dedicated the recently installed heat pump unit at The Cracked Pot Coffee Shop. Present were several club officers and staff of the establishment. |
Yellow Breeches Clean-Up Service ProjectAlong the Yellow Breeches: July 31, 2022 The Yellow Breeches Rotary Club was pleased to support the Yellow Breeches Watershed Association with their annual summer creek clean-up of the Yellow Breeches Creek. ![]() |
Club Awards Multiple Paul Harris Fellow Awards![]() On July 6th Club Foundation Chair, John Petrie, presented four additional Paul Harris Fellowship awards to club members.
Club Adopts a New Name![]() Mechanicsburg, PA (July 7, 2022): The members of the Rotary Club of Mechanicsburg have voted unanimously to change its name to the Rotary Club of The Yellow Breeches. |
Rotary Youth Exchange Student Jess Miller Recognized![]() Mechanicsburg Rotary Youth Exchange Student, Jessica Miller, was recognized at the Trinity High School Awards Program on May 25. Past President Mike McConahy made to presentation. |
Metalillito Water System Project![]() The Mechanicsburg Club has been working on a Global Grant for the community of Metalillito, El Salvador since it was approve in September of 2019. All of the part of the grant have been completed and about $18,000 of the funding remains. The club plans to petition The Rotary Foundation for permission to use these funds to build more composting toilets for the growing community which has identified a need for 35 more units. Continue reading below for the full story of the club's work with this community.
PP Amy Bockis Receives Another PHF |
Rotary Students of the Month for April![]() Mechanicsburg Rotary students for the month of April were introduced on April 6th and were interviewed by Pres. Jolene George and Amy Bockis. |
Rotary Club Supports Meals on Wheels![]() The Mechanicsburg Rotary Club as part of its ongoing support to the Mechanicsburg Area Meals on Wheels (MAMOW) replaced the deteriorated door to the the walk-in freezer/refrigerator and assembled new storage racks. Funding for the $3,872.70 project provided by the club plus a matching grant from The Rotary Foundation via the local Rotary District 7390. |
Rotary Students of the Month for February![]() Mechanicsburg Rotary students for the month of February were introduced on February 2nd and were interviewed by Pres. Jolene. |
Rotary Students of the Month for January![]() Mechanicsburg Rotary students for the month of January were introduced on January 5 and were interviewed by Pres. Jolene and Mike McConahy. |
YEP Candidate Jessica Miller![]() At the meeting of November 17th, Jessica Miller was presented to the club as our candidate to be an exchange student in the Youth Exchange Program. Since then, she has been interviewed by District 7390 and accepted into the program. |
Elliot Markovitz Receives Another PHF |
Rotary Students of the Month for November![]() Mechanicsburg Rotary students for the month of November were introduced on November 3 and were interviewed by Amy Bockis. |
Club Awards Scholarships to Three Students![]() The Rotary Club of Mechanicsburg presented three $2,000 scholarships at the club meeting on August 4th.
Past President Amy Recognized![]() Outgoing President Amy Bockis was recognized for her service to the club as President at a Club Social held at her home. |
Rotary Students of the Month for January![]() The Mechanicsburg Rotary students for the month of January were introduced on January 6 and were interviewed by Pres. Amy Bockis. |
Monroe Elementary Sit/Stand Desks Project CompletedThirty sit/stand desks were gifted to Monroe Elementary School in the Cumberland Valley School District through funds raised by the Rotary Club of Mechanicsburg and a matching grant provided by Rotary District 7390. ![]() |
Rotary Students of the Month for November![]() The Mechanicsburg Rotary students for the month of November were introduced on November 4 and 11 and were interviewed by Pres. Amy Bockis. |
Rotary Students of the Month for October![]() Three of the Mechanicsburg Rotary students for the month of October were introduced on October 7 and were interviewed by Pres. Amy Bockis. |
A Taste of Mechanicsburg Postponed to Indefinitely
Past President Mike Recognized for Service![]() Past President Mike McConahy was recognized for his two years of service to the club as President at a Club Social held at the home of President Amy Bockis. |
Club Awards Five $2K Scholarships![]() The Rotary Club of Mechanicsburg has awarded five $2,000 scholarships to students from five local high schools who participated in the Student of the Month program. The scholarship awards were presented to the students at their homes over the last month. |
Congressman Scott Perry Speaks to Club![]() Congressman Scott Perry spoke to the club via Zoom on April 15. Click on the link below to view a recording of the meeting. |
Introducing Students of the Month for April
Rotary Students of the Month for March![]() Mechanicsburg Rotary students for the month of March were introduced on March 4 and were interviewed by Jolene George. |
Rotary Students of the Month for February![]() Mechanicsburg Rotary students for the month of February were introduced on February 5 and were interviewed by Amy Bockis. |
Rotary Students of the Month for January![]() Mechanicsburg Rotary students for the month of January were introduced on January 29 and were interviewed by Jolene George. They have been with us all month, but their planned formal introduction on January 8 was canceled for weather. |
Two Spouses Receive Paul Harris Fellow Awards![]() Club Foundation Chair, John Petrie, honored his two sons-in-law with the Paul Harris Fellow award at the club meeting of November 20th.
Two Rotarians Recognized as Major Donors![]() District 7390 Foundation Chair, John Kramb, presented Major Donor Awards to John and Carol Petrie and Tom and Kathy Burson at a presentation during the club meeting of November 20th.
Gary LaTulippe Inducted on November 20th |
Rotarians Give Turkeys to New Hope Ministries![]() On November 20th, Mechanicsburg Rotarians brought turkeys and food to be donated to New Hope Ministries for the holidays. |
Rotary Students of the Month for November![]() Mechanicsburg Rotary students for the month of November were introduced on November 6 and were interviewed by Amy Bockis and Jolene George. |
Mechanicsburg Halloween Parade |
Rotary Students of the Month for October![]() Mechanicsburg Rotary students for the month of October were introduced on October 2nd and were interviewed by Amy Bockis. |
Rotary Clubs Support Meals on Wheels![]() The Mechanicsburg Rotary Club as part of its ongoing support and the Rotary Club of West Shore, presented a new Southbend Heavy Duty Range to the Mechanicsburg Area Meals on Wheels (MAMOW) at its kitchen on August 27th. Funding for the $10,165.00 range was provided by $2,500 from each club plus a matching grant from The Rotary Foundation via the local Rotary District 7390. |
Don Seiple Receives Paul Harris Fellow Award![]() Member Don Seiple receives the Paul Harris Fellow award at the club meeting of August 21st.
Club Makes Donation to Simpson Library![]() At the meeting of August 21, the Rotary Club of Mechanicsburg presented a check for $2,400 to the Joseph T. Simpson Public Library. This was its share of the net proceeds from the A Taste of Mechanicsburg event in part for providing the venue and related support.
DG Paddy Speaks & Presents PHF Awards![]() 7390 District Governor Paddy Rooney visited the club on August 14, 2019 to share his vision of Rotary and also presented Paul Harris Fellow Awards to President Mike McConahy and Past President Mark Dixon.
Club Awards Scholarships to Six Students![]() The Rotary Club of Mechanicsburg presented six $2,000 scholarships at the Scholarship Award Dinner on June 5th. The keynote speaker was Past District 7390 Governor, Una Martone, who is also President and CEO of Leadership Harrisburg Area.
Jolene George Inducted on May 1st |
A Taste of Mechanicsburg Very Successful![]() On April 28th the Rotary Club of Mechanicsburg held its second A Taste of Mechanicsburg event. It was a great success with over 160 people in attendance, 11 vendors, a great band, and about $9,000 raised. The Simpson Library and staff gave well appreciated support by providing the venue, helping with publicity, ticket sales, and support at the event.
Rotary Makes Donation to the Singer Band |
Club Members in Service at New Hope Ministries![]() Several members of the Rotary Club of Mechanicsburg help out at New Hope Ministries on April 10 in the day of service.
Rotary Students of the Month for April![]() Mechanicsburg Rotary students for the month of April were introduced on April 3rd and were interviewed by Patrick Wolfkill. |
Rotary Students of the Month for March![]() Mechanicsburg Rotary students for the month of March were introduced on March 6th and were interviewed by Amy Bockis. |
Rotary Students of the Month for February![]() Mechanicsburg Rotary students for the month of February were introduced on February 6th and were interviewed by Amy Bockis. |
Highmark Caring Place![]() Wonderful presentation at our meeting today by Terri Bowling, a compassionate clinician at the Highmark Caring Place in Lemoyne. |
Rotary Students of the Month for January![]() Mechanicsburg Rotary students for the month of January were introduced on January 9th and were interviewed by Patrick Wolfkill. |
Rotary Student of the Month for December![]() Mechanicsburg Rotary student for the month of December was introduced on December 5th and was interviewed by Patrick Wolfkill. |
Rotarians Give Turkeys to New Hope Ministries![]() On November 14th, Mechanicsburg Rotarians brought turkeys and food to be donated to New Hope Ministries for the holidays. |
Rotary Students of the Month for November![]() Mechanicsburg Rotary students for the month of November were introduced on November 7th and were interviewed by Past President Amy Bockis. |
Rotary Amanda Lawson Speaks to Club on TRF Major Gifts![]() Amanda Lawson, The Major Gifts Office, Zone 23 of The Rotary Foundation (TRF) spoke to the club on November 7th. |
Rotary Students of the Month for October![]() Mechanicsburg Rotary students for the month of October were introduced on October 3rd. They will be interviewed on October 17th. |
Lorraine Westby Receives Paul Harris Fellow Award![]() Member Darrell Westby honors his wife, Lorraine Westby, with the Paul Harris Fellow award at the club meeting of September 26th.
Simpson Library Receives Donation![]() At the meeting of August 15, the Rotary Club of Mechanicsburg presented a share of the proceeds from the A Taste of Mechanicsburg to the Simpson Public Library.
Presentations Made at August 15 Meeting![]() At the meeting of August 15, several presentations were made to members. Dave Brant and Phil Fogarty received additional Paul Harris Fellows pins and recent new member, Fitz Fitzpatrick, received his membership certificate.
A Lifetime of Giving: Tom & Kathy Burson join the Bequest Society for Rotary![]() On July 25, 2018 at the Rotary Club of Mechanicsburg's regular weekly meeting, Tom & Kathy Burson were recognized as the club's newest members of the Rotary Bequest Society.
Mechanicsburg Named Best Small Club![]() At the meeting of July 25th, Past District Governor Una Martone presented to the Rotary Club of Mechanicsburg the Best Small Club banner and plaque for the 2017-18 year.
PP Amy Honors Dave Burns & Bob Hamilton![]() At the meeting of July 18th, Past President Amy Bockis honored Dave Burns and Bob Hamilton with awards since they were not able to attend the induction meeting of June 27th.
President Mike Inducted at Special Meeting![]() The Rotary Club of Mechanicsburg's President for 2018-19, Mike McConahy, was inducted at a special meeting held the evening of June 27th at the Cracked Pot Coffee Shop. Past-President Amy KS Bockis was also recognized for her service and she provided recognition to club members who assisted her and the club during her tenure.
Club Awards Scholarships to Four Students![]() The Rotary Club of Mechanicsburg presented four $2,000 scholarships at the Scholarship Award Dinner on May 30th. The keynote speaker was District 7390 Governor Elect, John May.
Rotary Makes Donation to the Singer Band |
Club Awards Scholarships to Two Students![]() The Rotary Club of Mechanicsburg presented two $2,000 scholarships at its regular meeting on May 23rd.
John & Carol Petrie Join Bequest Society![]() John and Carol Petrie were recognized at the May 23rd club meeting for joining the Rotary Foundation Bequest Society.
A Taste of Mechanicsburg a Great Success![]() On April 21st the Rotary Club of Mechanicsburg held its first A Taste of Mechanicsburg event. It was a great success with over 160 people in attendance, 14 vendors, a great band, and about $9,000 raised. The Simpson Library and staff were great hosts by helping with publicity, ticket sales, and support at the event.
Rotary Students of the Month for April![]() Mechanicsburg Rotary students for the month of April were welcomed on April 4th and were interviewed by Patrick Wolfkill. |
Past President Barry Wagner Dies![]()
Rotary Students of the Month for March![]() Mechanicsburg Rotary students for the month of March were welcomed on March 7th and were interviewed by Patrick Wolfkill. |
Rotary Makes Donation to New Hope Ministries |
Senator Mike Regan Speaks to the Club |
Rotary Donates to Help Finish MLLA Fence Project![]() Tim Yaeger receives $3,700 donation from Mechanicsburg Rotary Club to be used to finish the complete fence replacement at the York Street Majors field.
Rotary Students of the Month for February![]() Mechanicsburg Rotary students for the month of February were welcomed on February 14th and were interviewed by Patrick Wolfkill. |
Rotary Students of the Month for January![]() Mechanicsburg Rotary students for the month of January were welcomed on January 3rd and were interviewed by Patrick Wolfkill. |
Club Receives Recognition at Foundation Dinner![]() The Rotary Club of Mechanicsburg was recognized at the District 7390 Rotary Foundation Dinner on November 15th where it received the 100% Foundation Giving Club banner and a Certification of Appreciation for its support of the End Polio Now campaign.
Mechanicsburg Club Supports Meals on Wheels![]() The Mechanicsburg Rotary Club as part of its ongoing support, presented a new Hobart Automatic Meat Slicer to the Mechanicsburg Area Meals on Wheels (MAMOW) at its kitchen on November 8th. Funding for the $5,400 slicer was provided by the club's project fund plus a $2,500 grant it had applied for from the Rotary Foundation via its local Rotary District 7390. |
Past President Mark Awarded Paul Harris Fellow |
Rotary Students of the Month for November![]() Mechanicsburg Rotary students for the month of November were welcomed on November 1st and were interviewed by John Petrie. |
Club Members in Service at New Hope Ministries![]() Several members of the Rotary Club of Mechanicsburg help out at New Hope Ministries on October 31st in the day of service for October.
Rotary Students of the Month for October![]() Mechanicsburg Rotary students for the month of October were welcomed on October 4th and were interviewed by Patrick Wolfkill. |
Singer Band Receives Donation at Ox Roast![]() The Rotary Club of Mechanicsburg presents its annual donation to the Singer Band during its performance at the Rotary Ox Roast
Club Service Project Makes a Difference![]() The Rotary Club of Mechanicsburg shifted its meeting time on Wednesday, August 23rd, to 6:00 PM to perform a service project for the community and the club. It cleaned up the landscaping around the Welcome to Mechanicsburg sign and a granite marker.
Past President Mark Recognized for Service |
Raffle Concludes with $2,000 Winner![]() The Mechanicsburg Rotary 2017 Sportsmen Raffle concluded on June 30th with the the final $2,000 cash prize being won by Sarah Weaver.
President Amy Inducted at Senators Game![]() The Rotary Club of Mechanicsburg's President for 2017-18, Amy KS Bockis, was inducted along with other club presidents from District 7390 during the opening Ceremonies of the harrisburg Senators baseball game on June 29th.
Honorary/Former Member Bob Suckling Dies![]()
Club Awards $10,000 in Scholarships![]() The Rotary Club of Mechanicsburg presented five $2,000 scholarships at a special dinner meeting held at Messiah College on June 7. The keynote speaker was District 7390 Governor Elect Una Martone.
GVSE Teams Visits Mechanicsburg![]() The Rotary Group Vocational Service Exchange Team (GVSE) from Taiwan Rotary District 3460 visited with our District 7390 Groups A & B the week of April 29 thru May 5 after their arrival in Lancaster on April 22nd. The thumbnail image (click to enlarge) is the club banner exchange at the three club meeting on May 4th. Left to right: Mechanicsburg Vice President, Mike McConahy; Hsin-Yi Lee (Tiana); Hsin-Chich Lin (Taishow); GVSE Team Leader, Anna Lee; Mechanicsburg North Club President, Chuck Hiller; West Shore Club President, Chuck Cenkner; Lin-Ya Huang (ViVi); and Ming-Jhang Lai (Bug).
Past President Don Gleichman Dies![]()
Mechanicsburg K-9 Marc Presentation![]() At a special evening meeting of the club on April 26, club members and guests learned about the new officer, K-9 Marc, he joined the Mechanicsburg Police Department to work on drug detection and as a tracker.
Polio Plus Fund Raising Project a Great Success![]() The Rotary Club of Mechanicsburg under the leadership of Dave Burns has concluded a fund raising project for Polio Plus in recognition of the 100th anniversary of the founding of The Rotary Foundation in 1917 at the International Convention in Atlanta. At the end of March, a total of $1,945 was raised for Polio Plus.
Rotary Students of the Month for April![]() Mechanicsburg Rotary students for the month of April were welcomed on April 5th and were interviewed by Amy Bockis, Student of the Month Committee member. |
Rotary Students of the Month for March![]() Mechanicsburg Rotary students for the month of March were welcomed on March 1st and were interviewed by Amy Bockis, Student of the Month Committee member.
Rotary Students of the Month for February![]() Mechanicsburg Rotary students for the month of February were welcomed on Feb. 1st and 8th and were interviewed by Amy Bockis, Student of the Month Committee member.
Tom Burson Receives Additional PHF![]() Tom Burson receives an additional Paul Harris Fellowship Award at the February 1st meeting.
Students of the Month for January![]() Students for the month of January were welcomed on Jan. 4th and were interviewed by Amy Bockis, Student of the Month Committee member.
Polio Plus Fund Raising Project![]() The Rotary Club of Mechanicsburg under the leadership of Dave Burns has started a fund raising project for Polio Plus in recognition of the 100th anniversary of the founding of The Rotary Foundation in 1917 at the International Convention in Atlanta.
Rotary Foundation Dinner a Big Success![]() The annual Rotary District 7390 Rotary Foundation dinner was held at Central Penn College on November 30th and was attended by eight members of the club.
Students of the Month for November![]() Students for the month of November were welcomed on Nov. 2nd and were interviewed by Amy Bockis, Student of the Month Committee member.
DG Kevin Cogan Speaks to Club![]() At the November 10th meeting, Rotary District 7390 Governor, Kevin Cogan, spoke to the club.
CEO Una Martone Introduces "Leadership Harrisburg Area"![]() At the October 12 meeting, Leadership Harrisburg Area President & CEO, Una Martone, spoke to the club about the organization.
Mechanicsburg Halloween Parade |